I haven´t made any new year resulutions, well the thing is I never do. If you want something to change, why not start working with it right away?
And oh, almost forgot; happy new year everyone:-)
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Troubled mind
I´m sitting here clueless, having no idea what the new year will bring. My psychology studies are over for good and I don´t have any plans ever going back to that. In case you wanna know why I decided to quit psychology, it´s because I don´t want to sit like a fucking nerd all day reading books the size of gigantic bricks. I don´t want to die of boredom you know. Well it surely works for someone, but not for me. So what am I going to do in 2006? Or more importantly, what am I going to do with my life????Oh, why can´t I just be one of those people that knows exactly what they want? They seem to be so much more relaxed and happier with their life. Lucky bastards!
Hopefully I won´t screw up my life, but I fear that I will.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
The man who swallowed his toothbrush
I don´t quite get how it´s possible to swallow a toothbrush, but this guy did, by accident of course. Lot of weird stuff happening out there.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I´m not exactly feeling so good at this time of the year. My skin is at the point of glowing in the dark, pale and gray. My hair is a fucking mess. I look like a mad cavewoman. It´s true. It sure is screaming for at total fix up, but I never manage to get anything done these days. I´m also growing out of my clothes. I have the sense of feeling that my ass is starting to block the sunlight for all the people around me. It certainly has changed size this Christmas, no doubt about that. And every morning know I am struggling with getting on a to tight jean or dealing with the sight of a jumper glued against my skin. At least I´ll start training again early in January. Thank god for kickboxing.
This lowsy morning
Headed of to work and I have only slept for 3 houers. Good combination? I don´t think so. Well, so much for sleeping as long as I want in the mornings. It´s gonna be one hell of a day, and oh I so NEED my coffee now.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Yesterday, I got a letter from UTS(university of technology Sydney) telling that I have been offered a place in nursing school. I thouht I´d never get in even though I applied. And so now I don´t know what the hell to do. I don´t even know if I want to become a nurse. But at the same time, I just wanna leave this fucking country. Yeah, I´m confused.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
I had a nice Christmas evning this year.Here´s some pictures from Christmas at our house: My sister Sabrina. Quite difficult getting a picture of her without her eyes closed.
My grandfather. He´s kind of a nut, but I think he´s the coolest ever:-)
My mother and her boyfriend Bjørns daughter.
The rest of the "family".
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Surfing the net when I came over this sick video from trading spouses.. I feel bad for that poor woman´s family, but at the same time it´s kind of funny. So bizarre.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Oh No!
Great! My gingerbread house has totally collapsed. I took me hour´s making that stupid house and now it´s in ruins. My family think it´s so funny. No way I´m making a new one after this. I´m gonna use the rest of the day not doing a thing for once.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Finally I´m home. Been away all day. First at work and then to my grandparents house eating a big dinner and of course dessert as well. Cakes and ice cream:-) I´m not exactly healthy these days am I? At least I went training yesterday, but now my whole body´s hurting like hell. It´s been a while since last time I lifted weights. I deffinetley have troubble walking up and down stairs. Maybe I better work out tomorrow also? Yes I think so.
And I have to stop eating all this crap that comes along with Christams. I´ll start tomorrow, thats a promise to myself.
Saturday, December 17, 2005
A friday in Bergen
Sweet! Today I got to sleep as long as I wanted, so the time was 12 when I first stept out of my dearest bed. It´s been like at least a year since last time, to much to do for that kind of lazyness. Then it was of meeting my friend Sissel in town, doing some Christmas shopping and stuff. Sissel was kind of panicking not having a clue what she should by for her boyfriend this year. After some hour´s of looking in stores, we both went out emty handed from the mall. Typical isn´t it? It´s so hard finding presents when people don´t tell you what they want.
After shopping I had to run to a dinnerparty which was connected with my job. I also got a present(a glasbowl) from my work which was quite nice. We also had a good time eating like crazy, one/two big dinners and two different desserts. I´m deffinetly going to get fat this Christmas, but come to think of it, I always get fat at Christmas times. Here is this years f*# tree. Not exactly the best decorated tree. It´s has looked much better I have to admit,, Bjørns kid was helping out with the decoration, which shows hehe. But what the heck it´s just a stupid tree, which doesn´t really matter to me anymore. As long as the kids are happy with it, I´m happy.
Unfortunately, my stupid cat went nuts after seeing all the glitter stuff hanging from the tree. She´s gonna destroy it for sure when she gets the oppertunaty.
And it´s snows:D
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I live at home at my mom´s house(time to move out I know) at the moment and we are also celebrating Christmas here. Today my mom´s boyfriend and his to kids came all the way from Vega (a small island in the north of Norway) and they are of course going to stay here for a while, so it´s full house this Christmas. Total chaos in other words, but I like it this way. This is also going to be the first Christmas we celebrate together, which is nice.
Have I done something interesting today? Not really. I had to work and I can´t say I like my work that much. It´s just not my thing being a personal assistant. I´m, so bored.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
These rainy days
Today I got a call from the airport asking me if I was missing my wallet. Yesterday I came from Tromsø¸ and I managed to loose my wallet on the plain or something. I can´t say this was only bad luck because it´s not exactley the first time. I´m a messy person for sure even though I have tried to get my head straight and be organist. It´s just not possible for me.
Enough about my stupid messiness. Christmas is almost here now but there is unfortunatley no snow. I hate it when it´s just raining non stop outside when it should be snowing. I´t ruins that speciall kind of feeling that Christmas brings along. But what can I say? I live in Bergen and I have to accept that it´s normal that this city is drowning in rain, even at Christmas times.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Hello there!
So I finally created my own blog. That´s something I thought I would never do to be honest. Yes, I do surprise myself sometimes. But now I don´t have any clue where to begin. My mind is totally exaughsted of studying for my exams and what I really need now is a good night sleep. Yesterday, I actually fell asleep at the university at my desk at the library for at least an hour. Funny how nobody woke me up, or maybe they did not dare to? Anyway thats never happend to me before. I guess I´m just dead tired of everything these days. Well, of to bed with me.