A friday in Bergen
Sweet! Today I got to sleep as long as I wanted, so the time was 12 when I first stept out of my dearest bed. It´s been like at least a year since last time, to much to do for that kind of lazyness. Then it was of meeting my friend Sissel in town, doing some Christmas shopping and stuff. Sissel was kind of panicking not having a clue what she should by for her boyfriend this year. After some hour´s of looking in stores, we both went out emty handed from the mall. Typical isn´t it? It´s so hard finding presents when people don´t tell you what they want.
After shopping I had to run to a dinnerparty which was connected with my job. I also got a present(a glasbowl) from my work which was quite nice. We also had a good time eating like crazy, one/two big dinners and two different desserts. I´m deffinetly going to get fat this Christmas, but come to think of it, I always get fat at Christmas times. Here is this years f*# tree. Not exactly the best decorated tree. It´s has looked much better I have to admit,, Bjørns kid was helping out with the decoration, which shows hehe. But what the heck it´s just a stupid tree, which doesn´t really matter to me anymore. As long as the kids are happy with it, I´m happy.
Unfortunately, my stupid cat went nuts after seeing all the glitter stuff hanging from the tree. She´s gonna destroy it for sure when she gets the oppertunaty.
And it´s snows:D
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