Getting ditched by my friends was how it all started today. My bad luck if you can call it that. On second thought they say you get what you give so maybe I deserve all the small shitty things that happens to me these days. Karma perhaps??? Anyway getting ditched or forgotten does rarely occur, so I let that one easily pass by and I wasn't even interested in hearing their excuses.
Of course I saw the back of my buss driving away just as I got to the buss station, leaving me waiting for something that seemed like a decade for the next one. Finally after sitting out in the cold counting the fucking seconds in a pathetic attempt to kill boredom, the buss snailed its way in front of me. As I stumbled in to pay the driver I got the question every 21 one year old dreads. "Child or adult?" I handled his brutal insult with a fake smile as I impaled him with my eyes and snapped back quickly, "ADULT!" Excuse me, but I do not look like a fucking 15 year old, at least I thought I didn't. Now I admit I have my doubts. I may not be the tallest person, but I'm not short either.
It was a relief to see the buss half empty and without any noisy people in it. As I sat down thinking my day couldn't get any worse, this creepy person had obviously decided to sit next to me. Some horrible flashbacks involuntary popped my mind. Hello... the buss was half empty, but for some reason that was ignored. Fine! Weird guy next to me. At least I had my ipod with me. Getting lost in music is my way of escaping reality, but of course the stupid thing had almost no batteries left and before I knew it I was back to reality. Fuck!
As if that wasn't enough, my family seems to be mad at me for wanting to study abroad. After all I'll be leaving them... It doesn’t matter what I do really, because every time I make a decision, they suddenly have all these things against it. It’s exhausting. Except for my mother, she’s actually quite supportive this time even though she’s sad I’m leaving.
Hopefully 17 of May will cheer me up. It's Norway's national day and is somewhat a huge celebration here.
what a shitty day Sylvia, i feel 4 u!om eg bare hadde hatt penga så kunne eg dratt til bergen til helga.u c eldrid ska dit og, til sissel altså - vært gøy å funnet på noke!
Skaff penger hehe.
Nei, hadde vært kult om du kom til byn;)
eg gjør egentlig meir i slutten av uka,pga.alt eg ikkje ha gjort tidligare:P alltid litt meir kav på torsdagen enn mandagen for meg. store plana for morgendagen?eg ekje særlig glad i 17maifeiring og eg hate å gå i bunad, har du bunad?min e blitt for stor,spes.over 'bysten' og d ser lite bra ut spørr du meg, så eg droppr d iår og blir heime og slækkrn!
17 var grei den. Drittdårlig vær, men helt ok. Var i byn, møtte noen folk og så på toget. Egentlig ikke så fantastisk akkurat og heller ikke noe kjempefeiring for min del. Om eg har bunad? Ja, bergensbunad, men går aldri med den. Min bunad e også blitt i det største laget merket eg etter å ha ha prøvd an på rett før 17 mai.
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