Sunday, October 29, 2006

Time is running by way too fast these days. There's always something on my mind, if not several things at once. There's school, work, training, spending time with my friends besides all the small necessary things. Some days, I don't even have the time to eat. It's crazy and if I don't die of exhaustion in the near future, I'll probably end up in the nut house or something in that direction instead.

On tuesday I have to deliver a 10 page written task. We have a new task almost every week. It's not that difficult, it's the fucking time it takes to write it I don't have.

Anyway I bought myself a new cell phone. sony ericsson 610i. The blue one. Me love it:)


Blogger Regine said...

om du kjøper film så e d hurra for meg og :D eg misunna deg shopping i mårra, ta heilt av,slå deg løs.farg håret blondt og klipp den sveisen du veit!

ps.mob.din e stilrein og flott - misunna deg den og.

11:38 PM  
Blogger Regine said...

ja jøss, eg ha hatt noken finfine daga heime - feita meg opp til dei grader.som du veit så har eg ingen grenser når d gjelder mat, spesielt ikkje når eg e heime hos mamma,eg har tatt fullsteendig av.

fenomenal plan sylvia, som om eg sku sagt da sjølv - lets do it.

12:17 AM  

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