Saturday, February 11, 2006

I don't want to look back anymore. In fact I refuse it, at least for now. I'm sick of my pessimistic thoughts. I want to be optimistic. Why is that so hard?

Anyway, all of us have to accept that life isn't supposed to be perfect all the time. It's full of ups and downs. Sometimes life is great and sometimes miserable as hell, but mostly in my case it's not too bad. So why can't I just appreciate that? What am I complaining on and on about? Why can’t I be the good human being I long to be and embrace what I have? Is it so that I can be labelled to the group of self-centred bastards? God, I hope not.
But I often seem to distort things really badly and sink into this ridiculous state of self-pity which I think by the way is the answer to my own questions.

Just to let those of you who actually read my blog know, I tend to write when I'm feeling a little down, resulting in my blog getting kind of gloomy. I will try to lighten it up a bit in my next posts.

Now I have to go.


Blogger Emerald. said...

Have you ever tried

working out how you feel? And why?

In stead of thinking so much about things.

Good luck.

7:20 PM  
Blogger Emerald. said...

I know I feel pretty content at the moment.

Reading some of these blogs. They. Are. Hilarious.

7:21 PM  
Blogger christinelovestotravel said...

I think a lot of people write when they are feeling pessimistic and pissed off.

To be perfectly honest, I think those posts means soo much more.

Write what you like, it's your blog right?

7:39 PM  
Blogger Emerald. said...

That's true.

I'm learning to write more, what I like, as we speak.

Thank you for the encouragement.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Sylvia said...

jarous: So you have a little mean side of you. Hah, I knew it, but I like;)
Anyway, of course I'll take with me my lessons in life, cause those are impossible to forget. I just won't think about them=)You see, I don't have to, knowing that all I have learned in life is part of me in a more unconscious sort of way.

And I have no problem smiling, even if the world comes to an end:D I think I’ll be fine too.

emerald: Thanks! I know I think to much about things, but I also know my feelings. Handling them though is one hell of a challenge.

Christine: Yeah, but I don’t want my blog giving a wrong impression of me, but i’ll continue writing what I like though;)

11:20 PM  

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