Monday, December 25, 2006

What a Christmas it has been. I don't know how to put it because it wasn't bad, not at all. More bizarre maybe and in a weird way entertaining. Whether it was my cousins wild behaviour, my grandmother getting very drunk, reviling secrets(which is unusual), my grandfather finally enjoying Christmas (for once) or my aunt actually being nice, it was quite something. My mothers absence was of course noticeable and I wish she had been there with us, but what can you do... Now if this was the US, I would have probably talked to my shrink by now!
At the end of the night you wonder why you're not just one of those people with a normal family, but then it hits you that at least you're lucky enough to have one at all, well that's how it is for me. Even if I have to face our differences every time we meet, I couldn't be without them.


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